In 1997, my hometown which was agricultural land , built a 2,255-hectare industrial district through land reclamation.
In 2019, My Mobile Farm took 2,255 square meters of soil from my hometown, and plated seasonal vegetables and fruits in it . It is just like the most popular food delivery service recently , only that the backseat does not carry delicatessen, but fresh vegetables, fulfill the concept of " delivered directly from the place of origin “. Also, delivery the entire "vegetable garden" to your home. My Mobile Farm will march forward along this road , there’s no destination for the moment , but home will always be my a point of departure .
1997年,我的家鄉用填海造陸的方式,在農業世界建造了2255公畝的工業區。 2019年,「我的移動農場」挖了2255平方公分來自家鄉的土,在其上種植當季蔬果,採用時下最受歡迎的「美食外送員」,但後座裝的不是熱呼呼的熟食,而是帶著新鮮的農產品,落實真正「產地直送、自產自銷」概念,帶著整塊「菜園」送到你家。行動的土地,在不斷前進的道路中,暫時沒有終點,但家永遠是我的起點。

Through the use of a movable garden mounted on the back of his motorcycle, Lin Yu-Sheng seeks to bring attention to environmental issues and explore the relationship between humans, land, and food. By planting vegetables from his hometown of Yunlin, Taiwan, on the garden and riding through the city, he hopes to prompt viewers to rethink the sources of their food and the relationship between urban and rural cultures.
The project also highlights the impact of modern consumption habits, where food is produced in various regions and transported to cities, leading to energy consumption and environmental pollution. The use of a movable garden and motorcycle in this project illustrates the relationship between urban and rural areas, reminding people of the importance of agricultural culture and life while raising awareness of environmental and sustainable development issues in rural areas.
Overall, Lin Yu-Sheng's project aims to explore the relationship between food sources, environmental issues, urban and rural cultures, and the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development.